Monday, October 10, 2016

everyone they don't like is Hitler

Positions actually held by Adolf Hitler
  1. Was a socialist, as in the National Socialist German Workers' Party, a.k.a. Nazis.
  2. Expressly targeted those with wealth, such as bankers.
  3. Increased government funded programs, such as infrastructure, to spur economic growth.
  4. Created job programs.
  5. Made a national healthcare and unemployment insurance program. This ran huge deficits.
  6. Enacted sweeping gun control. Used gun registry to identify and remove dissidents.
  7. Pro-abortion, primarily for eugenics.
  8. Believed that the raising of children was a social responsibility of the state, and not the individual.
  9. Turned the populace against the 1%.
  10. Stoked the flames of racial animosity.
  11. Wanted universal participation in "service".
  12. Controlled media.

Positions held by Donald Trump
  1. Pure capitalist.
  2. Is wealthy, himself. He wants to lower taxes on the wealthy to spur growth.
  3. Believes companies spur economic growth, independent from government.
  4. Independent companies are job programs, themselves. Allowing them to grow unfettered provides jobs.
  5. Wants to reduce the size of national healthcare while expanding the markets of private insurers, such as allowing them to compete across state boundaries.
  6. Ambivalent on gun control.
  7. Pro-abortion.
  8. Raising children is the responsibility of the parents.
  9. Is part of the 1%.
  10. Also stoked the flames of racial animosity.
  11. No interest in service programs.
  12. Media has been doing everything it can to defeat him. Zero major news outlets have endorsed him.

Positions held by Hillary Clinton
  1. Is a socialist by her party platform, her political positions, and her social values. She even has owned the mantle of a "Progressive", which is another name for socialist.
  2. Expressly targets those with wealth, such as corporations.
  3. Wants to increase government funded programs, such as infrastructure, to spur economic growth.
  4. Wants to create job programs.
  5. Will increase the coverage of the current national healthcare program, which is already running deficits.
  6. Praises gun confiscation policies of other nations, and wants more gun restrictions in the US. Wants a complete gun registry.
  7. Pro-abortion. Admires Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who was a firm proponent of eugenics.
  8. "It takes a village."
  9. Turns the populace against the 1%.
  10. Also stokes the flames of racial animosity.
  11. Pushes for national service.
  12. Majority of media are Democrats. All major news outlets have endorsed her.

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