Sunday, August 22, 2010

we need less TIME and more outrage

A Brief History of Intolerance in America in TIME magazine...

they have a slideshow of examples of "intolerance" in America... but they don't directly address the issue they are implying... intolerance towards muslims/islam... but the link on every page is Mosque Controversy: Does America Have a Muslim Problem?... so the implied connection is that anyone opposed to the proposed mosque in New York is equally racist/biased/ignorant as the people in the slide show...

included in the slide show are anti-semites, anti-Catholics, anti-Mormons, racists, Ku Klux Klan, Chinese-exlusionists, anti-native americans, anti-Japanese in WWII, and unbelievably they even throw in anti-Hare Krishna...

so are we to believe that anyone who disagrees with the choice of placement of a mosque near the place where muslims masacred thousands, that somehow these people are anti-muslim or racist in some fashion?... there is no other connection to be made... a:b::c:d...

at least TIME has preteded to be moderate on the subject in the article...
Islamophobia in the U.S. doesn't approach levels seen in other countries where Muslims are in a minority.
there's no sign that violence against Muslims is on the rise
so, let me get this straight... if we have an opinion, then we're racist and anti-muslim... we're being attacked around the world, from barracks in Beruit to suicide bombers in the sky... what's a little slap-in-the-face mosque?... why get bent out of shape about that?... how about we go really Christian on this and turn the other cheek?... that cheek has already been slapped.

they (mosque supporters) want us (outraged americans) to respect their rights... i'll stop being outraged when they show a little respect for those who were murdered... i'll respect their rights when they are outraged at those very same murders...

and if they were outraged at the atrocity that was 9/11, they wouldn't propose a mosque in that location... they're not outraged; i don't respect their rights... they are disrespectful; i'll remain outraged... QED

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